[COMPLETED] [RESCHEDULED] Scheduled Server Maintenance - Selected Linux servers

Date: 17th July 2017

Time: 07.30 AM MDT


Maintenance Update:

Batch 2 Maintenance successfully carried out and upgrade EA3 to EA4 and perform PHP 5.3 - 5.5 removal has been done, all services are up and will now resume their operations without any noticeable service impact.


Date: 14th July 2017

Time: 06.55 AM MDT

Maintenance Update:

Batch 1 Maintenance successfully carried out and upgrade EA3 to EA4 and perform PHP 5.3 - 5.5 removal has been done 

We will update with further schedule maintenance batch wise.


Dear Valued Customers,

*** Only client hosting services host the following servers will be affected ***


Batch 1:

Date: 14th July 2017

Time: 06.00 AM MDT

ETA: 2 hours


Affected servers:




Batch 2:

Date: 17th July 2017

Time: 06.00 AM MDT

ETA: 2 hours


Affected servers:




Maintenance detail: 
Our team will perform server maintenance to upgrade EA3 to EA4 and
 perform PHP 5.3 - 5.5 removal.

It is a scheduled removal in our effort to provide our client a better and secure hosting environment:

Maintenance affects:

All services will not be available during the maintenance period.


If you need further information and clarification on the maintenance, please contact us via portal (https://support.exabytes.com/en/support/tickets/new) or email us at support@exabytes.com


Best Regards,


Support Team

Technical Support Department