If you get an error message when you try to visit your website or use the cPanel/ webmail or Smartermail, this is probably due to your IP address being blocked by the server firewall.
A firewall is a security system that operates as a filter, allowing the server to block unwanted or dangerous access.
Some events, such as numerous login attempts with wrong credentials, activate the firewall rules, and, consequently, the IP address gets blocked.
Below article will show how do you figure out if your IP address has been blocked.
a) cPanel Linux Hosting
If your IP address was blocked while trying to access your website, cPanel, or webmail, the page takes a long time to respond, and eventually you will see a time-out error as below.
b) Smartermail Windows Hosting
If your IP address was blocked while trying to access your Smartermail (using valid credentials) the page shall respond with an error as below.
What should you do for above error message?
1) Try connecting to cPanel/Webmail/Smartermail using another IP address.
If you connect from another device, with a different connection, and you can access the website, it means that probably your IP address has been blocked.
2) Obtain your local IP from https://whatismyipaddress.com/ and email the details to us at [email protected] (MY region), [email protected] (US region) and [email protected] (SG region) so we could trace further from the server logs.