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Managing domains in the domain manager

In this article, you will find all the information about the Domain Manager, the general domain list, and how to manage your domains.

Where can I manage the domains for a website?

1. Manage domains either in the Domain Manager of each website or via the general domain list in the top menu. Accessing the general domain list via the top menu:

2. Accessing the domain manager from the Detail View. Click on the "Actions" button and select "Manage domains"

3. Accessing the Domain Manager from the kanban view of the Manager. You can either click on "Register domain" in the card or click on the ellipsis icon (...) and select "Manage domains".

4. Accessing the Domain Manager from the list view of the Manager. Click on "Actions" and select "Manage domains".

5. Once you open the Domain Manager, you will see this:

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