v16 AI website tools: How to onboard v16 AI sets?

The purposes of the v16 AI website tool is to streamline the user onboarding WordPress, thus, it would be fairly easy to kick-start the process. 

Assuming the v16 AI sets & WordPress, has been installed, the onboarding flow would be as below:-

1. A prompt will be visible upon first logged in into WP-Admin where user would just need to define the Website Title and the brief description of the business or website for the outcome


2. Followed by user would need to define the purposes of the business or website

3. Next, user would need to select the website would be multipage or single-page

4. What's next would be selecting the design of the site with various templates to be chosen from.

5. After choosing the template, user will be prompted with selection of the page needed for their site (This option will be bypassed if user chose single-page)

6. The AI set will then customize the site with the previous selections by the user, whereby user will be diverted to the Site Assistant for the following action once done. 

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