v16 AI website tools: How to install v16 AI set on addon domain or subdomain

By default, the main domain on the v16 hosting plan will be pre-installed with the AI sets upon provisioned. However, since the AI set can be applied to addon domain & subdomain, the client would just need to select the sets upon WordPress installation to the domain.

Below would be the guided steps:-

1. Logon to your Plesk panel 

2. Navigate to WordPress/WordPress Management

3. A prompt on the WordPress installation be visible, and do ensure to select "AI" onto the drop-down menu on Plugin/Theme set.

4. Core WordPress will be installed with the prompt visible in the bottom right corner followed by the AI set

5. The following "AI" set will be installed with its progress in the bottom right corner

Note: Do allow some time for the plugin & theme set to be installed. 

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