[COMPLETED] Announcement - Server Security Update: Meltdown and Spectre

Dear Clients,

Announcement Details:

Security researchers announce two security flaws, dubbed Meltdown and Spectre.

What is Meltdown and Spectre?

A hardware bugs allows low-privileges process to access the memory in the computer’s kernel to steal data which is currently proceeded on the computer.


It allows malicious programs to gain access to higher-privileged parts of a computer's memory


It steals data from the memory of other applications running on a machine.

What is the impact:

It could allow malicious software to spy deeply into another process and data then steal sensitive data such as password and text communication.

Maintenance Detail:

A) Dedicated servers and colocation clients.

Our team will notify all affected clients regarding the above security flaws and work together with managed services clients on the updating.

Steps to update:


Those unmanaged services client who is interested on this update may contact support team by submitting a ticket at https://support.exabytes.com/en/support/tickets/new choose Technical Support (Dedicated Server / VPS / Cloud / Colocation)

B) Shared hosting servers.

Our team will notify affected clients and further schedule kernel update that require a server reboot during the process.


Date : 9th Jan 2018
Time : 00:01 AM MST

Reference: https://support.exabytes.com/en/support/discussions/topics/14000009863


Date : 11th Jan 2018
Time : 02:00 AM MST

Reference: https://support.exabytes.com/en/support/discussions/topics/14000009884

Best Regards,

Support Team


Technical Support Department

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